I’ve told him and told him not to jump when he is on the docks but does he listen? No! He jumped up trying to get the ball I was carrying and when he came down his back leg hit air instead of the dock, tipping him right into the water. We were both surprised.
When he came to the surface, he splashed his way to some pilings sticking up under the dock and clung to them….tightly. Naturally, he wouldn’t leave the safety of his perch no matter how hard I called, so I had to lay prone, reach under the dock, grab him and pull him to safety. Otherwise, he’d still be there. He does not like to swim and therefore doesn’t a fairly poor job of it. Lucky for him I have very long arms.
Oh well, it was a very hot day and he needed a bath anyway. He’s none the worse for wear and I suppose my knee will heal. Maybe I’ll have a new scar as evidence of my devotion….awwwwww.
We have a couple of devoted mothers swimming around in this marina; one in particular should be awarded a medal. A grebe with an almost fully grown chick is the model of maternal forbearance. That child of hers will not shut up. I’ve seen her try to nap during the day by tucking her head under a wing but that kid of hers bumps her and gets it’s head as close to hers as possible, cheep, cheep, cheeping all the while. It never stops; it follows her around all day long, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep. If it was mine, I’d be tempted to take drastic measures……heck, it‘s not and I am…..good mom
A duck brings her quintet of babies to our boat each morning for a little breakfast snack. If I don’t notice her right away, she will make a quiet little mama duck noise at me, as if to say, “scuse me, we’re here now”, so I run and get the duck bread. So far she hasn’t lost a little one; each morning she shows up with 5 ducklings….good mom.