Thursday, April 28, 2011

He's Working Hard

I do believe I am a bit jealous.  Dwight is experiencing the warmest, nicest Dutch spring in 133 years.  In our six months in Holland last year we had only about 2 weeks of summer, the rest of the time was rainy and sometimes down-right cold. Dang.

Things haven't turned out as we planned.  The boatyard decided that installing our new toilet and holding tank would be too much work so they backed out of doing the job. We don't understand.  They had inspected the boat, they knew what was to be done before we left six months ago, they agreed to do it, we wired the money and then when Dwight arrived it was "whoops, that is way more work than we'd figured."  We are disappointed but there is nothing we can do about it.

Dwight is not going to paint the hull, either.  Boats always look bigger when they are out of the water and painting is not one of Dwight's favorite pass times.  He stared at the sides of the boat for awhile, then made his decision. We still have a white hull, however, "Orca" is gone, Dwight  painted out that name--goodie, goodie.

Also goodie-goodie, he installed our new bow-thruster propeller so we can turn the pointy end of the boat to both the right and the left.  That'll make things easier than last summer when we could only turn to starboard.

And, now Dwight is a hero, of sorts.  Nicolas Witsen Boatyard sits on the corner of two well used canals, so, in the hero's own words:
"I just had quite a bit of excitement, a kayak-er turned over right where the canals cross, I had a perfect view. I ran down to the water and tried to help him out but he was too heavy and he was only worried about losing his kayak. He had two  friends right behind him, between us we got his kayak out and dry and they went on their way, very cold I might add. I did not have time to think about the camera, sorry."
A picture would have been nice but can you imagine the scene---"please wait until I get my camera before you drown or sink your kayak."  Good job anyway, Dwight.   

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

So It Starts

It will be 87 degrees here in Tucson today, in Boston this afternoon, the high will be 48 degrees, then 37 degrees in Reykjavik, Iceland and tomorrow in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, the high will be 66... and that's better than Boston or Reykjavik.

If you haven't guessed, that is Dwight's itinerary, plus he must catch the train from Schiphol Airport to Alkmaar, where the boat waits for him.  He might be tired after all that.

We have, more or less, begun our 2011 European odyssey.  Yogi and I join Dwight in June after our familial duties are over.  We must attend 4 graduations this spring, well, maybe just humans in the audiences, not Yogi-dogs.

While waiting for friends to join him to help move the boat to Belgium, Dwight plans to paint the hull of the boat a nice deep green and install our ebay bargain bathroom sink.

Lets keep our fingers and ears crossed that the weather in Holland cooperates. Even if it doesn't, we are glad to be getting back.

P.S. Look, Dwight's hat matches his shirt.....holy mackerel, that's the first time in a long time that he's been sartorially coordinated.  What's happening?  

Monday, April 4, 2011

Life Surprises

We surprise ourselves many times throughout our lives When I was younger, never ever did I for one moment believe that I would be spending my "golden years" living in a retirement community in the middle of the desert.  

Today, though, one thought that came to me was that I am glad to be here.  I have neighbors who really care about me and my sprained, strained, limp-causing quadriceps muscle; the birds are singing lustily and loudly, the sun is shining mightily and best of all look what I found in our garden this morning. 

Cactus flowers just opening after a night of being closed

The ocotillo is beginning to flower
Our lady slipper cactus has dainty purple and white flowers again

A pomegranate in the making

I will miss this place when I go back to the boat though not enough to stay put.  When I am here I miss the boat (literally and figuratively) and when I am there.....well, you know. 

Happy spring everybody.  Isn't it a grand time of year?  

And your ba-dump-bump moment for the day....
         In the winter my dog wears his coat, but in the summer he wears his coat and pants.