Thursday, October 8, 2009

We Must Do Our Exercises

Both of us need to make sure we are in reasonable physical condition and have the necessary stamina to run a boat on the European waterways.  That means some kind of physical training.  Well, at least gentle training for the elderly.  There is no need to get carried away, is there?  The trick to any training is motivation. Fortunately for those of us who are lazy, Plus3 Network’s web site can provide plenty of motivation.  This web site has sponsors who will donate money to worthy causes for each exercise session that you log.  Nifty.  You get your exercise, a charity gets money and a business gets recognition.  

For those who would rather exercise their brains, take a quiz.  Free Rice will give 10 grains of rice to the United Nations for each correct answer you give.  Improve your vocabulary and help solve world hunger at the same time.  Or if all you want to exercise is your mouse finger go to The Hunger Site and just click away.

When we get to the boat, we will have plenty of exercise just climbing on and off it.  That, and riding bikes to and from grocery stores and constantly taking the dog for walks should keep us in shape.  Just to make sure, I asked Yogi E of Yoga Pura to teach both Dwight and I to do a good Salute to the Sun.  I hope I have enough pull with the good yogi and he won’t forget.   I can picture Dwight and I outside the boat in the mornings, our bones creaking as we try to make our salutations.  Wish us luck!

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