Sunday, July 1, 2012

Little Surprises

In Soing, a tiny ville with a very Yogi-friendly halt fluvial, a local man with a basket-full of freshly picked young produce came by our boat. Even though his prices were exorbitant, we bought a bunch of baby carrots because they were gorgeously beautiful, although we complained to each other about the price we were forced to pay for a measly bunch of carrots.

Now, those are carrots!
We hadn't remembered how carrots were supposed to taste. For a long time, we've eaten large tough orange sticks cut in various ways; round shapes, oval shapes, crinkle cut....sliced and diced to make you think you are eating a baby carrot. Pshaw!

Our advise to anyone, forget the grocery store. Just plant some seeds, wait a bit, water a bit and then join us in rediscovering carrots.

What's that traveling down the highway?

Golly, it's a horse-drawn camper

Turn right just past the replica of the Eiffel Tower for the campground
Small -- sure, charming -- you betcha!
A well deserved rest with oats for a couple of hungry draft horses.   

It was mom and dad with their two pre-schoolers out for a a four day camping trip through rural France. I really can't think of a better way for small children to spend their time than watching the fat rump of a good looking horse, can you?

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